A |  B–D  |  E–H  |  I  |  J–O  |  P–S  |  T–Their  |  Them–U  |  V–Z  


Back from the Cordial Grave I drag thee
Baffled for just a day or two
Banish Air from Air
Be Mine the Doom
Beauty – be not caused – It Is
Beauty crowds me till I die
Because He loves Her
Because I could not stop for Death
Because my Brook is fluent
Because that you are going
Because the Bee may blameless hum
Because ’twas Riches I could own
Bee! I’m expecting you!
Bees are Black – with Gilt Surcingles
Before He comes We weigh the Time
Before I got my eye put out
Before you thought of Spring
Behind Me – dips Eternity
Behold this little Bane
Belshazzar had a Letter
Bereaved of all, I went abroad
Bereavement in their death to feel
Besides the Autumn poets sing
Besides this May
Best Gains
Best Things dwell out of Sight
Best Witchcraft is Geometry
Betrothed to Righteousness might be
Better – than Music!
Between My Country – and the Others
Between the form of Life and Life
Bind me – I still can sing
Birthday of but a single pang
Blazing in Gold – and
Bless God, he went as soldiers
Bliss is the Plaything of the child
Bloom – is Result – to meet a Flower
Bloom upon the Mountain – stated
Blossoms will run away
Bound – a trouble
Bring me the sunset in a cup
Brother of Ingots – Ah Peru
But little Carmine hath her face
But that defeated accent
By a departing light
By a flower – By a letter
By Chivalries as tiny
By homely gifts and hindered words
By my Window have I for Scenery
By such and such an offering


Candor – my tepid friend
Circumference thou Bride of Awe
Civilization – spurns – the Leopard!
Climbing to reach the costly Hearts
Cocoon above! Cocoon below!
Color – Caste – Denomination
Come show thy Durham Breast
Come slowly – Eden!
Conscious am I in my Chamber
Conferring with myself
Confirming All who analyze
Conjecturing a Climate
Consulting summer’s clock
Contained in this short Life
Cosmopolites without a plea

Could Hope inspect her Basis
Could I but ride indefinite
Could I – then – shut the door
Could – I do more – for Thee
Could live – did live
Could mortal Lip divine
Count not that far that can be had
Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell
Crisis is a Hair
Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart
Crumbling is not an instant’s Act


Dare you see a Soul at the “White Heat”?
Dear March – Come in
Death is a dialogue – between
Death is like the insect
Death is potential to that Man
Death is the supple Suitor
Death leaves Us homesick, who behind
Death sets a Thing significant
Death warrants are supposed to be
Death’s Waylaying not the sharpest
Declaiming Waters none may dread
Defrauded I a Butterfly
Delayed till she had ceased to know
Delight – becomes pictorial
Delight is as the flight
Delight’s Despair at setting
Denial – is the only fact
Departed – to the Judgment
Deprived of other Banquet
Despair’s advantage is achieved
Dew – is the Freshet in the Grass
Did life’s penurious length
Did Our Best Moment last
Did the Harebell loose her girdle
Did We abolish Frost
Did we disobey Him?
Did you ever stand in a Cavern’s Mouth
Distance – is not the Realm of Fox
Distrustful of the Gentian
Do People moulder equally
Dominion lasts until obtained
Dont put up my Thread & Needle
Doom is the House without the Door
Doubt Me! My Dim Companion!
Down Time’s quaint stream
Drab Habitation of Whom?
Drama’s Vitallest Expression is the Common Day
Dreams – are well – but Waking’s better
Dreams are the subtle Dower
Dropped into the Ether Acre
Drowning is not so pitiful
Dust is the only Secret
Dying – to be afraid of Thee
Dying at my music!
Dying! Dying in the night!