A | B–D | E–H | I | J–O | P–S | T–Their | Them–U | V–Z
I am afraid to own a Body
I am alive – I guess
I am ashamed – I hide
I asked no other thing
I bet with every Wind that blew
I breathed enough to take the Trick
I bring an unaccustomed wine
I Came to buy a smile – today
I can wade Grief
I cannot be ashamed
I cannot buy it – ’tis not sold
I cannot dance upon my Toes
I cannot live with You
I cannot meet the Spring unmoved
I cannot see my soul, but know ’tis there
I cannot want it more
I can’t tell you – but you feel it
I cautious, scanned my little life
I could bring You Jewels – had I a mind to
I could die – to know
I could not drink it, Sweet
I could not prove the Years had feet
I could suffice for Him, I knew
I counted till they danced so
I cried at Pity – not at Pain
I cross till I am weary
I did not reach Thee
I died for Beauty – but was scarce
I do not care – why should I care
I dreaded that first Robin, so
I dwell in Possibility
I envy Seas, whereon He rides
I fear a Man of frugal Speech
I felt a Cleaving in my Mind
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
I felt my life with both my hands
I fit for them – I seek the Dark
I found the words to every thought
I gave Myself to Him
I got so I could take his name
I groped for him before I knew
I had a daily Bliss
I had a guinea golden
I had been hungry, all the Years
I had no Cause to be awake
I had no time to Hate
I had not minded – Walls
I had some things that I called mine
I had the Glory – that will do
I have a Bird in Spring
I have a King, who does not speak
I have a suitor in the skies
I have never seen “Volcanoes”
I have no Life but this
I hav’nt told my garden yet
I heard a Fly buzz – when I died
I heard, as if I had no Ear
I held a Jewel in my fingers
I held it so tight that I lost it
I hide myself within my flower
I keep my pledge
I knew that I had gained
I know a place where Summer strives
I know lives, I could miss
I know of people in the Grave
I know some lonely Houses off the Road
I know Suspense – it steps so terse
I know that He exists
I know where Wells grow – Droughtless Wells
I learned – at least – what Home could be
I like a look of Agony
I like to see it lap the Miles
I live with Him – I see His face
I lived on Dread
I lost a World – the other day
I made slow Riches but my Gain
I make His Crescent fill or lack
I many times thought Peace had come
I meant to find Her when I came
I meant to have but modest needs
I measure every Grief I meet
I met a King this afternoon!
I never felt at Home – Below
I never hear that one is dead
I never hear the word “Escape”
I never lost as much but twice
I never saw a Moor
I never told the buried gold
I noticed People disappeared
I often passed the village
I pay – in Satin Cash
I play at Riches – to appease
I prayed, at first, a little Girl
I read my sentence – steadily
I reason, earth is short
I reckon – when I count it all
I robbed the Woods
I rose – because He sank
I saw no Way – The Heavens were stitched
I saw that the Flake was on it
I saw the wind within her
I see thee better – in the Dark
I see thee clearer for the Grave
I send Two Sunsets
I send you a decrepit flower
I shall keep singing!
I shall know why – when Time is over
I shall not murmur if at last
I should have been too glad, I see
I should not dare to be so sad
I should not dare to leave my friend
I showed her Heights she never saw
I sing to use the Waiting
I sometimes drop it, for a Quick
I started Early – Took my Dog
I stepped from Plank to Plank
I stole them from a Bee
I sued the News – yet feared – the News
I suppose the time will come
I taste a liquor never brewed
I tend my flowers for thee
I think I was enchanted
I think just how my shape will rise
I think that the Root of the Wind is Water
I think the Hemlock likes to stand
I think the longest Hour of all
I think to Live – may be a Bliss
I thought that nature was enough
I thought the Train would never come
I tie my Hat – I crease my Shawl
I took my Power in my Hand
I took one Draught of Life
I tried to think a lonelier Thing
“I want” – it pleaded – All it’s life
I was a Phebe – nothing more
I was the slightest in the House
I watched her face to see which way
I watched the Moon around the House
I weave for the Lamp of Evening
I went to Heaven
I went to thank Her
I worked for chaff and earning Wheat
I would distill a cup
I would not paint – a picture
I’d rather recollect a Setting
Ideals are the Fairy Oil
If all the griefs I am to have
If any sink, assure that this
If anybody’s friend be dead
If Blame be my side – forfeit Me
If ever the lid gets off my head
If He dissolve – then – there is nothing
If He were living – dare I ask
If I can stop one Heart from breaking
If I could bribe them by a Rose
If I could tell how glad I was
If I may have it, when it’s dead
If I should cease to bring a Rose
If I should die
If I should n’t be alive
If I should see a single bird
If I’m lost – now
If it had no pencil
If my Bark sink
If Nature smiles – the Mother must
If pain for peace prepares
If recollecting were forgetting
If she had been the Mistletoe
If the foolish, call them “flowers”
If this is “fading”
If those I loved were lost
If What we could – were what we would
If wrecked opon the Shoal of Thought
If you were coming in the Fall
If your Nerve, deny you
I’ll clutch – and clutch
I’ll send the feather from my Hat!
I’ll tell you how the Sun rose
I’m ceded – I’ve stopped being Theirs
I’m Nobody! Who are you?
I’m saying every day
I’m sorry for the Dead – Today
I’m the little “Heart’s Ease”!
I’m “wife” – I’ve finished that
Image of Light, Adieu
Immortal is an ample word
Immured in Heaven!
Impossibility, like Wine
In Ebon Box, when years have flown
In falling Timbers buried
In lands I never saw – they say
In many and reportless places
In other Motes
In rags mysterious as these
In snow thou comest
In the name of the Bee
In this short Life
In thy long Paradise of Light
In Winter in my Room
Inconceivably solemn!
Incredible the Lodging
Is Bliss then, such Abyss
Is Heaven a Physician?
Is Immortality a bane
Is it dead – Find it
Is it too late to touch you, Dear?
Is it true, dear Sue?
It always felt to me – a wrong
It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon
It came at last but prompter Death
It came his turn to beg
It can’t be “Summer”!
It ceased to hurt me, though so slow
It did not surprise me
It don’t sound so terrible – quite – as it did
It dropped so low – in my Regard
It feels a shame to be Alive
It is a lonesome Glee
It is an honorable Thought
It is easy to work when the soul is at play
It is the Meek that Valor wear
It knew no lapse, nor Diminuation
It knew no Medicine
It makes no difference abroad
It might be lonelier
It rises – passes – on our South
It sifts from Leaden Sieves
It sounded as if the Streets were running
It stole along so stealthy
It struck me – every Day
It tossed – and tossed
It troubled me as once I was
It was a Grave – yet bore no Stone
It was a quiet seeming Day
It was a quiet Way
It was given to me by the Gods
It was not Death, for I stood up
It was not Saint – it was too large
It was too late for Man
It will be Summer – eventually
It would have starved a Gnat
It would never be Common – more – I said
It would not know if it were spurned
It’s all I have to bring today
It’s coming – the postponeless Creature
It’s easy to invent a Life
It’s like the Light
It’s little Ether Hood
It’s such a little thing to weep
It’s thoughts – and just One Heart
I’ve dropped my Brain – My Soul is numb
I’ve got an arrow here
I’ve heard an Organ talk, sometimes
I’ve known a Heaven, like a Tent
I’ve none to tell me to but Thee
I’ve nothing else – to bring, You know
I’ve seen a Dying Eye
I Years had been from Home